TouchArcade is shutting down after 16 years

TouchArcade is shutting down after more than 16 years. The publication was established in 2008 and sought to cover the (then) emerging mobile game market.In a lengthy post on the TouchArcade website, editor-in-chief Jared Nelson explained normal daily operations will cease ahead of a total shutdown."This is a post that I've known was coming for quite some time, but that doesn’t make it any easier to write. After more than 16 years TouchArcade will be closing its doors and shutting down operations," he wrote."There may be an additional post here or there in the coming weeks as we try to honor any previously agreed to obligations, and a proper farewell post is in the works too, but as of now our normal daily operations have ceased. The reason we're shutting down pr…

Detective Pikachu 2 Is Unlikely, Star Justice Smith Says

The Detective Pikachu movie was the highest-grossing video game film in US history at the time of its release in 2019, but a sequel apparently is not a sure thing. Star Justice Smith said in an interview with Inverse that he would love to be asked back for a sequel, but he doesn’t think it’s in the cards.

“I would love to participate in Detective Pikachu 2. I don’t know if it’s going to happen,” he said. “I think we have to just kind of bury our hopes. I don’t think it’s going to happen. I really hope so though. Honestly, I’m such a huge fan, who knows, who knows? I hope so.”

Smith gave this interview back in March, but it’s gaining traction again this week after the quotes were discovered by some outlets (via VGC).

Detective Pikachu made $433 million worldwide, $144 m…

Timbre Games is going indie after being shuttered by Sumo Group

Timbre Games, the Canadian studio closed by Sumo Group earlier this year, will be returning as an indie.Studio founder and CEO Joe Nickolls shared the news on LinkedIn and explained Sumo has allowed leadership to obtain the Timbre Games name and brand."Some big news to share today. As many of you know, Timbre Games Studio had to close our doors a couple of months ago, but we weren’t quite ready to throw in the towel just yet," he wrote. "The great people at Sumo Digital Ltd have helped us transition into a fully independent studio."Nickolls said the new-look studio has tapped strategic advisor Studio Capital Management to oversee business development and has appointed a new leadership team. He intends to share more about the future of Timbre in the coming months.